Hehehehe! Well-come and step into my a magical adventure and a bit of a historical journey that I hope will inspire you and no this is NOT my album. Thats coming soon and its a doozy!
These songs take you on a journey from when I was just 7 years old to where I am now. Life can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming, both online and offline. But I truly believe that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day.

So let's go back to when we were all young dreamers at the age of 7. Remember what it was like to have big hopes and dreams for the future?
That's what eyeamkind.com is all about. It's a safe place for people to dream, create, and grow.
Now, let me tell you about the first song, "When I Was 7." It's the very first song I ever recorded, and my Aunt Deb sings it with me. This song is about how God gives us a special purpose, even when we're young. It's a reminder to ask God for help in fulfilling that purpose and chasing our dreams.
Next, there's a song called "F.L.Y." I wrote it when I was 8 years old, together with my amazing mom (the mothager). It's based on something she used to tell me as a child. The song says that loving yourself is really important. When we love and accept ourselves, we can achieve great things and reach for the stars.

Finally, we have the last song, "INFINITY." This song is all about how we are all connected as one big family. We're like an army fighting for our dreams to come true. It's a song of hope that reminds us that anything is possible when we believe in ourselves and work together.
I want you to join me on this musical adventure. Let's create a world where dreams can come true, where we can be ourselves and inspire others. Together, we can make a difference and bring kindness and joy to the world.
So get ready to sing along and let the music take you on a journey you'll never forget. Let's make eyeamkind.com. a place where dreams flourish, creativity shines, and we all grow into the best versions of ourselves.
love you completely!